Måned: januar 2015

FAQ om norge

«Pose-Siv» eller «Pose-Trine» er dermed langtfra alene i norsk poltitikk. Ikke  «Pose-Per» (Sandberg) heller – som en av mulige opphavsmenn eller – kvinner til Solberg-regjeringens siste og omstridte avgiftsmilliard.

Fra før finnes nemlig «pose-Jon Ola Norbom»  og «Pose-Per Kleppe» – finansministre i henholdsvis Korvald- og Bratteli-regjeringene på 1970-tallet.

En plastposeavgift på 25 øre ble foreslått av Korvald-regjeringen i budsjettet for 1974.  Regjeringen Bratteli overtok – og videreførte avgiftsforslaget.

Men handelen og poseprodusenter argumenterte med overgangsproblemer.

Derfor trådte poseavgiften først i kraft fra 1. september 1974. Den daværende avgiften på 25 øre tilsvarer forøvrig dagens ferske på kr.1.50 når det justeres for kroneverdi.

Dundrende  debatt

Høsten 1974  foreslo regjeringen å videreføre avgiften i 1975-statsbudsjettet.

I stortingsdebatten om budsjettet  6. desember 1974  tok debatten om poseavgift  helt av. Posepengene tok mer plass enn andre avgifter, bensinpris og moms.

Referatene fyller side opp og side ned  og fortsatte fra formiddagen og inn i Stortingets kveldsmøte denne dagen.

Miljøopptatte sa ja til avgift – og mente datidens 400 millioner poser årlig var altfor mye og unødvendig.

Carl I Hagen ironiserte over avgiften og inngrepet i godtfolks valg. Andre mente det var tobakkspunger og peanøttposer som ble slengt rundt og skjemmet gater og natur- ikke bæreposene.

På  Arbeiderpartiets folk gjorde det antakelig inntrykkk  at renovatørene organisert i LOs

Kommuneforbund protesterte mot avgiften. De mente søppel ble mer sølete og ufyselig å håndtere dersom innpakking i brukte plastposer ble borte.

Det hjalp ikke at Ola Langset (SV) sa at «husmora kunne bruke tomme mjølkekartongar til blautavfallet» og dermed  unngå søl i søppelsjakten. 

Til slutt  «sprakk»  Aps stortingsgruppe. Flertallet ble borte og plastposeavgiften ble avviklet  fra 1. januar 1975.

Nyere posehistorie

Politikernes trang til posepenger har stukket hodet frem siden også.  Sist var foran 2010-statsbudsjettet. Da foreslo Høyre,  KrF og Venstre en avgift på en krone.

Partiene argumenterte med at «forurenser betaler»-prinsippet måtte følges og at posenes reelle miljøskader burde reflekteres i posenes pris.

Høyre og vennene anbefalte gjenbruksposer, handlenett av kraftigere stoff eller «poser laget av stivelse fra matavfall eller andre miljøvennlige løsninger».

Den gangen la de borgerlige riktignok til at økt bruk av miljøavgifter måtte følges av tilsvarende kutt  i andre skatter og avgifter slik at resultatet ikke ble generell økning av skatte- og avgiftsnivået.

Det er uklart om samme krav gjelder for 2015-poseavgiften.

Ap, SV, SP og Frp stemte imot poseavgift for 2010, slik at Høyre-forslaget den gang havnet på søppelhaugen.

ovnstekt torsk med tilbehør

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Secure Images

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grillet kalkunbryst

også kalt middelhavsragu ….




suppen kan serveres kald eller varm som dessert • blåbærene kan gjerne erstattes med blokkebær eller en blanding av begge slag • litt hel kanel i suppen gir også god smak

Oppskrifter ligger her …

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Pasta er nydelig mat

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tønsberg båtrace


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Virkelig mye fart og spenning her og gøy og utfordrende:


Mølen i vesfold ligger i Larvik kommune og har flott og unik natur.

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xcards_settings-53[ic_add_posts category=’mat’] NIKON D800E (58mm, f/4, 1/400 sec, ISO200)

  • Aperture: ƒ/4
  • Credit: ODD LIE
  • Camera: NIKON D800E
  • Taken: 30 august, 2014
  • Focal length: 58mm
  • ISO: 200
  • Shutter speed: 1/400s


Key Settings on pictures

Key settings for:

Creative camera pictures

Smiley face
What to try :

abstract urban details

type of photo :

Use on creative pictures

Kind of photo :

abstract urban details





For your first shot

try using :

Exposiore Mode on camera :

Aprture priorety

Camera focus mode :

single or one-shot

Camera focus point :

ISO setting :

Aperture :


Lens :

Camera drive mode :

White balance :

Tax :


Used Flash :






Flash settings :





To improve your shot :

  • look out for striking street signs, road markings or street furniture.
  • shoot hand held so you can easily try different angles and compositions
  • a fixed-focal-lens such as a 50mm or 100mm macro is ideal.
  • take time to explore the details





Top Tip :

Compositions is the key to striking abstracts, so don’t be afread to be bold with your crops, get in close and keep your shoots simple









Key settings for:

Landscapes pictures

Smiley face
What to try :

autumn tree canopies

type of photo :

Landscapes camera pictures

Kind of photo :

autumn tree canopies





For your first shot

try using :

Exposiore Mode on camera :

Aperture priorety

Camera focus mode :

Camera focus point :

ISO setting :


Aperture :


Lens :

14-24 mm

Camera drive mode :

White balance :

Tax :


Used Flash :






Flash settings :





To improve your shot :

  • Shoot early or late when the warm light will enhange the autum colours.
  • as you’re shooting upwards, a blue sky gives the best background.
  • Use a plan ND filter so you can use slower shutter speeds and capture leaves moving in the breeze





Top Tip :

If you use a viewfinder , you’ll need to lie on your back.

if your camera has a tilt screen, position it then compose in live view









Key settings for:

Smal tings

Smiley face
What to try :

backlit seed heads

type of photo :

Macro pictures

Kind of photo :

backlit seed heads





For your first shot

try using :

Exposiore Mode on camera :

Aperture priorety

Camera focus mode :

single or one-shoot

Camera focus point :

ISO setting :

Aperture :


Lens :


Camera drive mode :

White balance :

Tax :


Used Flash :






Flash settings :





To improve your shot :

  • Positoning the subject against a dark background will enhance the effect of the back-lighting on the seed head
  • Keeping detail in the highlights may requiere -1 in exposure compensation
  • Make sure that the focus point is positioned on the main focal point





Top Tip :

try to shoot on a still day, as any wind will make it difficult to focus on the the seed head and also cause blur due to subject movement









Key settings for:

nature and wildlife pictures

Smiley face
What to try :

bird of prey porteraits

type of photo :

Wildlife & Nature

Kind of photo :

bird of prey porteraits





For your first shot

try using :

Exposiore Mode on camera :

Camera focus mode :

single or one shot

Camera focus point :

ISO setting :


Aperture :


Lens :

200-300 mm

Camera drive mode :

White balance :

Tax :


Used Flash :






Flash settings :





To improve your shot :

  • Position the focus point on the eyes of the bird, so they are the sharpest area.
  • Make sure the shutter speed is 1/500 sec or faster to avoid blur from camera shake or subject movement
  • Shooting captive birds?
    try to keep the leg staps or jesses out of the shots






Top Tip :

The background is almost as important as the subject.
Find a viewpoint that gives a clean background without any distractions.









Key settings for:

Creative camera pictures

Smiley face
What to try :

Blurred street scenes

type of photo :

Use on creative pictures

Kind of photo :

Blurred street scenes





For your first shot

try using :

Exposiore Mode on camera :


Camera focus mode :


Camera focus point :

ISO setting :


Aperture :

Lens :

Camera drive mode :

White balance :

Tax :


Used Flash :






Flash settings :





To improve your shot :

  • you’ll need to use a tripod and a remote release to enshore the static areas of the scene are pin-sharp
  • in bright conditions, use an ND filter to allow you to use long shutter speed
  • Including a static person will enhance the effect of the blurred movement





Top Tip :

You may need longer or shorter shutter speeds for different subjects
Settings between 1/2 sec and 3 sec are the best for most scenes









Key settings for:

Creative camera pictures

Smiley face
What to try :

blurred woodland shots

type of photo :

Use on creative pictures

Kind of photo :

blurred woodland shots





For your first shot

try using :

Exposiore Mode on camera :


Camera focus mode :


Camera focus point :

ISO setting :

Aperture :

Lens :

35 mm or longer

Camera drive mode :

White balance :

Tax :


Used Flash :






Flash settings :





To improve your shot :

  • shoot where you have a view of the tree trunks, with colour behind them.
  • start with camera pointing down.
    slowly and smootly camera upwards, and then fire the shuter.
  • Using a longer-focal-length lens will help you get smooter results.





Top Tip :

Use a tripod with a pan-and-tilt head.
Keep just the tilt mechanism loose to keep the movment of the camera smooth









Key settings for:

Used for action shots

Smiley face
What to try :

capturing splashes

type of photo :


Kind of photo :

strawberry splash





For your first shot

try using :

Exposiore Mode on camera :


Camera focus mode :


Camera focus point :

ISO setting :

Aperture :


Lens :

Camera drive mode :

White balance :

Tax :


Used Flash :






Flash settings :

  • strawberry … splash





To improve your shot :

  • set up a dish of milk in a darkned room and carefully focus on where the object will strike the surface
  • Set up an off camera flash to one side of the dish, and soften the light.
  • Drop the object , and fire the camera as it strikes the surface of the liquid.





Top Tip :

for more consistante results you can use a trigger such as a triggertrap, witch will fire when the light beam is broken.









Key settings for:

Used for action shots

Smiley face
What to try :

car rig photography

type of photo :


Kind of photo :

car rig photography





For your first shot

try using :

Exposiore Mode on camera :


Camera focus mode :


Camera focus point :

ISO setting :


Aperture :

Lens :

Camera drive mode :

White balance :

Tax :


Used Flash :






Flash settings :





To improve your shot :

  • Mount the camera on the car with a suction mount; use a radio trigger
  • Despite the fast moving feel in the final photo, the car only needs to at walking pace as you shoot.
  • You may need a strong or variable ND filter long shutter speed.





Top Tip :

When looking for a location , you need the road surface to be as smoot as  possible , to minimize the vibrations that cause camera shake.









Key settings for:

Creative camera pictures

Smiley face
What to try :

coloured flame effects

type of photo :

Use on creative pictures

Kind of photo :

coloured flame effects





For your first shot

try using :

Exposiore Mode on camera :


Camera focus mode :

Camera focus point :

ISO setting :


Aperture :


Lens :

Camera drive mode :

White balance :

Tax :


Used Flash :






Flash settings :





To improve your shot :

  • choose a dark location to allow you to capture the glow from the EL wire
  • Put the camera on atripod, and shine a light on the main subject to allow you to manually focus the them.
  • Take a test shot, then adjust the aperture if it’s over- or underexposed





Top Tip :

Use a tripod with a pan and tilt head, with just the tilt mechanism loose.
This will help help you keep the movment of the camera smooth









Key settings for:

Porteraits and details related to this includes peoples

Smiley face
What to try :

documentary portraits

type of photo :

Portrait & people

Kind of photo :

documentary portraits





For your first shot

try using :

Exposiore Mode on camera :

shutter priorety

Camera focus mode :

single or one-shot

Camera focus point :

ISO setting :


Aperture :

Lens :

Camera drive mode :

White balance :

Tax :


Used Flash :






Flash settings :





To improve your shot :

  • set the exposure compensation to -1 to darken the background
  • Try using flashto make the subject stand out from the background
  • when selecting the shutter speed you should use the fastest flash sync speed available on your camera





Top Tip :

  • to make your image pop, use a curves adjustment to increase the contrast, and also try using the HDR tooning adjustment









Key settings for:

Porteraits and details related to this includes peoples

Smiley face
What to try :

effective group shots

type of photo :

Portrait & people

Kind of photo :

effective group shots





For your first shot

try using :

Exposiore Mode on camera :

Aperture priorety

Camera focus mode :

Camera focus point :

ISO setting :


Aperture :


Lens :

18-35 mm

Camera drive mode :

White balance :

Tax :


Used Flash :






Flash settings :





To improve your shot :

  • look out for high or low viepoint to get  more eye-chaching group shots
  • for most shots, make sure that everyone is looking at the camera.
  • watch out for distractions in the background of your shots, although some objects can add interest.





Top Tip :

you can use flash, and under-expose the ambient light to darken the background and make the group really stand out









Key settings for:

nature and wildlife pictures

Smiley face
What to try :

Feeding station shots

type of photo :

Wildlife & Nature

Kind of photo :

Feeding station shots





For your first shot

try using :

Exposiore Mode on camera :

Shutter priorety

Camera focus mode :

servo or continius

Camera focus point :

ISO setting :

800 or higher

Aperture :

Lens :

Camera drive mode :

White balance :

Tax :


Used Flash :






Flash settings :





To improve your shot :

  • Use long focal length lens of 300 or more to isolate individual birds
  • When the feeding starts, birds will appear very quickly, so make shure thatyour camera is set up in beforehand
  • When there are many birds swooping down, consentrate on one at a time





Top Tip :

The birds are fed at the same time every day, but some birds will appear before this, so it’s worth arriving an houer before the feed









Key settings for:

Smal tings

Smiley face
What to try :

festive food

type of photo :

Macro pictures

Kind of photo :

festive food





For your first shot

try using :

Exposiore Mode on camera :

Aperture priorety

Camera focus mode :


Camera focus point :

ISO setting :

Aperture :

f/2.8 or f/4

Lens :

50-100 mm

Camera drive mode :

White balance :

Tax :


Used Flash :






Flash settings :





To improve your shot :

  • the soft light from the window on a bright, but overcast day is perfect
  • use a gold reflector to bounce light back onto the main subject, and also to warm up the colours
  • Make sure that you carefully focus on the main point of interest in the scene





Top Tip :

Along with the festive food,  make sure that the background colours and settings also fit the theme, even if they’re out of focus









Key settings for:

Used for action shots

Smiley face
What to try :

freezing fast subjects

type of photo :


Kind of photo :

freezing fast subjects





For your first shot

try using :

Exposiore Mode on camera :

shutter Priority

Camera focus mode :


Camera focus point :

ISO setting :

Aperture :

Lens :

Camera drive mode :


White balance :

Tax :


Used Flash :






Flash settings :





To improve your shot :

  • Select the centre focus point, then keep it over the subject for as long as possible to give the focus system a good chanse to track the subject
  •  Shoot in bursts of tree or four, rather than holding the shutter and taking as many shots as the camera can.





Top Tip :

If your camera has an «AF-on» button on the back, use this raher than the shutter button to activate the autofocus









Key settings for:

Smal tings

Smiley face
What to try :

fungi close-ups

type of photo :

Macro pictures

Kind of photo :

fungi close-ups





For your first shot

try using :

Exposiore Mode on camera :

Aperture priorety

Camera focus mode :


Camera focus point :

ISO setting :

Aperture :

f/8 or smaller

Lens :

50-100 mm

Camera drive mode :

White balance :

Tax :


Used Flash :






Flash settings :





To improve your shot :

  • Fungi often grow in shady spots.
    try a reflector to add light to the subject
  • Carefully remove stay twigs and leave from around the subject to tidy up the composition of your shots.
  • In dark locations try using a flash with a soft box to iliminate the fungi





Top Tip :

use a beanbag insted of a tripod to steady the camera at ground level.

you can also use your bag as a makeshift support.









Pocket referance info technical

Here are the referance for technical information

How a camera shutter works








How the shutter works





shutter mechanism












The shutter mechanism controls how løng the sensor is exposed to light
here are the key things you need to know ….

  • the vertical-travel ‘focal-plane’ shutter
    sits just in front of the sensor on a typical digital SLR
  • Two thin blinds
    move up and down: one opens to start the exposure, the second closes to end it.
    both blind are open at some point during a long exposure, but for a fast exposure, tthe second blind begins closing before the first has finished opening
    this means that the sensor is exposed through a moving slit
  • the mechanical shutter
    is controlled electronically it’s livespan varies between camera models and it may eventually need to be replased.








how does cload cover affect my photo








visual ligth





explain skies and light





arrow and skies trees





When it comes to judging how cloads will affect your photos, the rule of the thumb is that the more cloud cover there is the more soft (deffused) the available light will become.

1 Deep clouds
the deeper the cloud, the softer the light becomes.

2 Light clouds
Light clouds create semi-diffused light, wich give you good colour and recognisible shadows.

3 Desused lighting
Very  diffused lightning creates weak shadow and muted colours. These conditions can be giid for shooting in black and white if the colours in the sene appear washed out








how does exposiure work on my camera








Pocket referance





how does exposiure work on my camera





  1. Apperture = wheel turns on opening the tap
  2. Intencety of light = pressure of wather in the tap
  3. ISO setting =size of bucket of wather
  4. Shutter speed = opening time for the water tap


what happens here ??


As shown in figure below, let’s directly compare the concept of filling a glass with water (getting a nice drink) to taking a picture (getting a nice exposure):

  1. Water = light: The water satisfies your need for a drink in a similar way to how the light satisfies your desire for a good exposure.
  2. Faucet nozzle = aperture: The camera’s aperture is like the nozzle of the faucet where the water comes out. The size of the faucet’s opening controls how much water volume can flow into the glass in the same way the aperture opening controls how much light volume can get to the camera’s imaging sensor. A large aperture opening, such as f/2.8 lets in more light than a small aperture opening (f/11).
  3. Faucet handle = shutter speed: The camera’s shutter speed is like the handle of the faucet. The handle controls how long the water runs into the glass in the same way the shutter speed controls how long the light hits the camera’s imaging sensor. A slow shutter speed (1/60th of a second) lets light come in for a longer time than a fast shutter speed (1/500th of a second).
  4. Glass = camera’s imaging sensor: The glass is like your camera’s imaging sensor. It is a container for water, like your camera’s sensor is a container for light. To satisfy your thirst, the glass should be full of water, not half full, and not running over. In the same way, the camera’s imaging sensor should have a full exposure, not underexposure, and not overexposure. The capacity of the glass controls the amount of water it will hold. If you use a large glass, it will hold more water, while a smaller glass holds less water. The ISO sensitivity is like the capacity of the glass. A low ISO sensitivity (ISO 100) will only gather a little light, in the same way a small glass will only gather a little water. A high ISO sensitivity (ISO 400 and above) is like using a large glass to collect more water (light).

This basic concept is how the camera’s exposure controls are related to one another. Similar to how the faucet controls manage water flow, the camera controls manage light flow.





To understand how differnt camera settings will affect the exposure,
it can help to use the analogy of filling a glass of water  from the tap
when you imagine light going into your camera

Three Exposure Controls Illustrated


  1. Apperture
    this is how mutch the tap is turned;
    a wide aperture is like more turns,
    whilea smal aperture is fewer.
  2. Intensety of light
    This is like the water pressure
    Bright light is like high pressure,
    and dim light is low pressure.
  3. ISO Setting
    The ISO setting is like the size of the glass
    a smal glass filles more quickly,
    so it’s like a high ISO
  4. Shutter speed
    This is simular to how long the tap is left on.
    The longer it’s open the more wather
    (or exposiure on the camera) there will be.








How focal lenght affects depth of field








Pocket referance





How focal lenght affects depth of field





Lens length in mm and distance to dof & dept in mm






Changing the focal length of the lens you’re using can create dramatic changes in depth of field without you adjusting any camera settings.

For example a subject 4.5 meters from a camera set to use an aperture of f/8


  • With an 200 mm lens
    using a long focal length lens produses a narrow depth of field at a distance between 4.43 and 4.57 meters
  • With an 55 mm lens
    At this middle focal length the depth of field is two meters, extending from 3,68-5,79 meters away
  • With an 18 mm lens
    With a short focal length lens, the dept of field will extend from 1.4 meters all the way to infinity

















Pocket Referance










picture here

Lots of Light


Little light





Your camera’s ISO setting regulates the image sensor’s sensibility to light:

  1. Lots of light – bright conditions
    In bright light, there will be a strong electrical signals from the sensor.
    So it doesn’t need much amplifictation or «Gain» to record an image
  2. Little light – dark conditions
    When less light reaches the sensor it will produse a weaker electrical signal.
    This will need amplifying by increasing the ISO to record an image, but this will increase the noise in the image
  3. Other optiont in dark contitions
    You don’t need to increase the ISO in dark conditions:
    you could use a longer shutter space or a wider aperture, allowing you to ues a lower ISO and still give the correct exposure








How live view focusing works








live view





focusing contrast





Back focus: Low contrast

Correct focus: peak contrast

Front focus: low contrast





Most cameras use contrast-detection autofocus during Live view.
This is based on the idea that sharp focus is achived at the point of highest contrast

  • Its slow
    to detect the point of peak contrast, the lens has to be focused backwards and forwards across the subject.
  • Its accurate
    Because Live View autofocus measurees the contrast directly from the sensor, what you see on the Live View scrren is what you get.
  • It goes wide
    You’re not limited to the position of the AF points you see in the viewfinder. Use the control wheel to place the focus point at the edge of the picture if you need to.








How sun and the sky effect colours








Pocked referance





How sun and the sky effect colours





1 blue wavelength

2 relative brightness

3 shadows





Sunlight and skylight

Even though the wite balanced of sunlight is relavtively warm, a significant persentage of daylight has been reflected back towards the earth by the atmosphere.
This is known as skylight, and can mean that your images will appear cooler when you shoot a sunny day


  1. blue wavelength
    of light are reflected better by the atmosphere than other wavelengths are, making it appear much cooler than sunlight.·
  2. shadows
    are lit only by skylight and so appaer «cooler» than areas that are lit directly by sunlight
  3. relative brightness
    of skylight and direct/diffuse light from the sun varies depending on time of day and the prevaling wether conditions·








how to read histogram








Pocket referance





how to read a histogram to assess expoure





  • The horisontal axis of the graph represents the brigtness level, from darkest on the left to the brightest on the right
  • The vertical axis how many pixels in the picture are at that brightness level.





The histogram feature on your camera illustrates the range of tones or brightness level that are pressent in a picture.

Take a shot , then chech its histogram, pay attention to ….

  1. The shadows
    The left of the graph contains the shadows.
    This should just touch the extreme left; if it overlaps this end, some details has been lost in the darkest areas.
  2. The midtones
    This Area is less critical than the highlight or the shadows, but it extend the top of the graph.
  3. The highlights
    The right of the graph shows the brightest area of the image.
    If it overlaps the right of the graph, you have lost some detail in the highlights.








Select different type of AF points








AF types





select fast and easy AF





Combined picture with important places in the camera, and lens ….





1 set lens correct.

check if your lens have a M/A setting

select A


2 Camera selector AF/M

select AF


3 Camera AF/M push button

press and hold this button

4 Camera rear selector (wheel)
rotate the wheel
you will see that the type of AF points are changing,
singel , all, 3d ……








single af mode








AF modes





select correct af





1 choose an AF point

use the control wheel or a thumbstick to select an af point directly.
You may have to press a selection button first

2 Highlight the subject
Choose an af point that corresponds with the most important detail, such as a person's eye i a portrait.

3 Focus and recompose
if the af point doesn't line up with the subject, move the camera until it does.
Keep the shutter button half-pressed to lock the focus, then recompose the shot.













Use the colour wheel for better shots








Pocket Referance





Use the colour wheel for better shots





Pictures here





The colour weels :

  • Warm Colours
    Yellow, Orange, and Red give your shot warmth, but they need to be used with care.
    Red in particular has a strong positive and negative connotations
  • Cool Colours
    When an image contains mostly cool colours such as Blue and Green, it will appear calm and restfull, because these colours are most assosiated with non-threatening subjects
  • Primary Colours
    Using primary colours (Red, Yellow, and Blue) creates a bold statement.
  • Complementary Colours
    Choose opposite colours from the colours wheels to find pairs that complements each other in a shots (Yellow and Purple for example)








What an aperture looks like








Pocket Referance





what an aperture looks like





Picture here





The consept of an aperture can be tricky to understand, so it helps to know what’s actualy going inside your lens.

It’s actualy quite simple …..

  1. Iris blades
    The aperture inside the lens is created by a diaphragm formed by intersecting blades.
    These usually number between five and nine, depending on the lens.
    The higher the number of blades the rounder the bokeh will appear.
  2. Lens components
    The aperture assembly containg the diaphragm is located inside the barrel of the lens, between the lens elements.
  3.  Motor
    On most lenses , the iris blades are operated by a motor in the lens.
    These are normally wide open, and close when you fire the shutter.








What is hyperfocal distance








Pocket Referance





What is hyperfocal distance





Near limit of depth of fields (half the hyperfocal distance)

Infinity (far limit of depth of field)


Subjects placed between the near limit and infinity appear sharp





  • What is hyperfocal distance ?
    The hyperfocal distance is the distance that you focus on so that the image  will be sharp from the far distance (infinity) to a distance halfway between the camera and the distance you have focused.
  • What affects hyperfocal distance?
    The main settings that affect it are the focal length and aperture, but the sensor size of your camera will also affect the distance.
  • How to work it out
    there’s a table avalable at http://www.digitalcameraworld.com/2013/02/08/how-to-calculate-hyperfocal-distance-free-photography-cheat-sheet/3/
    giving the hyperfocal distances for different camera focal lenght, aperture and sensor size’s, shown below, alternatively you can use an app such as HyperFocal Pro or Field Tools


Free hyperfocal distance calculator table








Whitch apperture setting should i select













select apperture





apperture 1.8 -> 4 wide

5.6 -> 11 medium

16 -> 32 small





1 wide appertures f/1.8-f/4
The widest apertures have f-stops with the smallest numbers.
They provide a shallow depth of field, whitch is great for simplifying backgrounds.

2 medium apertures f/5.6-f/11
The middle apertures on your lens tend to give you the best quality images.
However, they might not give you the ammount of depth of field you requiere.
Think of it as a balancing act, with some compromise requiered.

3 Small appertures f/16-f/32
Most lenses have a minimum aperture of f/22, while others go down to f/32.
As the aperture gets smaller the delpth of fields increases.
Ultimately, though, the image resolution deteriorates due to diffraction.







