Kategori: Bøker
simply delicious
Posted by odd lie On 24. november 2014
Posted by admin On 11. september 2014
Letter from father christmas
Illustrated verson
ISBN 978-0-618-51265-2
Marillion – silmarillion
Posted by odd lie On 31. august 2014
The band name was shortened to Marillion in 1981 to avoid potential copyright conflicts at the same time as Fish and bassist William 'Diz' Minnitt replaced original bassist/vocalist Doug 'Rastus' Irvine an audition at Leyland Farm Studios in Buckinghamshire on 2 January 1981. Rothery, drummer Mick Pointer, and keyboardist Brian Jelliman completed this line-up; the first gig with this line-up was at the Red Lion Pub in Bicester, Oxfordshire, on 14 March 1981. By the end of 1981, Kelly had replaced Jelliman, with Trewavas replacing Minnitt in 1982. Minnitt later formed Pride of Passion.
The early works of Marillion contained Fish's poetic and introspective lyrics melded with a complex and subtle musical tapestry to create a sound that reflected the band's influences, notably Queen, early Genesis, Pink Floyd, Van der Graaf Generator, Rush (specifically from the late 1970s), and Yes. Marillion's first recording was a demo tape produced by Les Payne in July 1981 that included early versions of "He Knows You Know", "Garden Party", and "Charting the Single".
The group attracted attention with a three-track session for the Friday Rock Show (early versions of "The Web", "Three Boats Down from The Candy", and "Forgotten Sons") and were subsequently signed by EMI. They released their first single, "Market Square Heroes", in 1982, with the epic song "Grendel" on the B-side of the 12" version. Following the single, the band released their first full-length album in 1983.
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
ildefonso falcones
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
daniel kahneman
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
sara gruen
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
jann rygh sivertsen
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
jon gangdal
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
hugh laurie
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
My books (enjoy)
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
mark haddon
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
stepen king
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
james patterson
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
Erlend larsen
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
JK Rollings
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
kate moose
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
Books top content
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
Wanted books
I do not own the publications yet,
so the will be no pictures here.
The history of middle-earth
Volum 1
The book of lost tales 1.
The start of the sage made by Tolkien
Silmarillion and other storry`s
ISBN 0-261-10222-2
Volum 2
The book of lost tales 2.
Beren and Luthien ….
Gondolin ….
ISBN 0-261-10214-1
Volum 3
The lays of beleriand
ISBN 0-261-1026-5
Volum 4
The shaping of Middle-earth
annuals of the First Age
ISBN 0-2612-10218-4
Volum 5
The lost road and other writings.
including Lhammas
ISBN 0-261-10255-7
Volum 6
The return of shadow
ISBN 0-261-10224-9
Volum 7
The treason of isengard
ISBN 0-261-10220-6
Volum 8
The war of the Ring
ISBN 0-261-10223-0
Volum 9
Sauron defeated
ISBN 0-261-10305-9
Volum 10
Morgoth`s Ring
ISBN 0-261-10300-8
Volum 11
The war of the Jewels
ISBN 0-261-10324-5
Volum 12
The people of Middle-Earth
ISBN 0-261-10348-2
can be ordered from www.fireandwather.com
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
The Maps of Tolkien`s middle-earth
Book 1:
Writen by Brian Sibley
Relates to different places in different times,
Describes plases and other infomation that are needed to understant this universe.
Devided into this places and times.
here you find : There and back again ….. (gess witch bokk this is ??)
Now you are placed in the landscape of Lord of the rings !!
Land of the silmarillion …… epic …
Gone from the lanscape after … (old times atlantis)
Book 2:
4 maps covers the same places as described in Book 1.
28" by 28" with wonderfull drawings made by John Howe, exelent ……
ISBN 0-618-39110
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
The Silmarillion
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
The monsters and the critics and other essays
Beowulf: The monters and the Critics
On translating Beowolf
Sir Gawain and the green knight
On Fairy-storries
English and Welsh
A secret Vice
Valedictory Adress
Not read yet
ISBN 978-0-261-10263-7
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
In norwegian : Ringenes herre 1-3
remark !!!
I now OWN the RING
pictures to come.
Well read, actuly falling appart !!
5 people has red this norwegian verson quate a few times.
Pictures to come.
The best story ever told.
The beat movies ever made.
Sorry to say this i have no ISBN number on,
bust the book is avalable in a lot of stores and the NET.
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
The Hobbit or There and back again
(Norwegian version)
Movie making part 1 is done now (Must see this movie)
Read this for my children and they loved it and so do I.
Read the book before seeing the movie.
My favorite is (Norwegian) Kark
ISBN 82-10-04300-5
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
Tree and Leaf
Includes 4 small books
A) preface to the 1988 edition
B) On fairy story
Discussing the inns and outs of what is a fairy storry and what is not
C) Mythopoeia
Writen to one that said "myths were lies and therefore worthless, even though 'breathed through silver' ".
D) Leaf by Niggle
About dreams and frendship, a driven story that included a lot of relationship shown in different ways.
E) The homecoming of beorhtnoth beorhthelm`s son
epic story that tells about the "Danes" in essex, actuly was norwegians, who i am also and what happened in 991, after Tunsberg was grounded, my birthplace.
Story good told uses verses between the people included in the storry.
read 19.05.2012
ISBN 978-0-00-710504-5
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
West of the mountains east of the sea
The maps of tolkien`s Beleriand
Teling about places in the map and of cource tha Map
Illustrated by no other than the brilliant John Howe
ISBN 978-0-00-731270-2
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
Tales from the perilous realm
Includes 4 small books
A) Farmer Giles of Ham
What can a farmer have to defend, read and find out. Cool story.
B) The adventures of Tom Bombadil
If you have seen the LOTR films you have not seen him,
But if you have read LOTR you have seen him in your mind, congratulation to you !!
Your version of Tom it the correct version.
C) Leaf by Niggle
About dreams and frendship, a driven story that included a lot of relationship shown in different ways.
D) Smith of wootton major
Here you are in the nice wold of relationship are challanging and a amasing story
Read 18.05.2012
ISBN 978-0-00-714912-4
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
This book is dedicated to the memory of Michael Hilary Tolkien
Not read yet.
ISBN 978-0-00-714911-7
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
I have some books and other asserts that together gives the tolkien collection.
Link to published articles:
The lost road and other writings
The Hobbit or There and back again norwegian version
Lord of the rings 1-3 norwegian verson, in pices, but thats cool we think , Lise, Tommy and Odd
The Maps of Tolkien`s middle-earth cant get better than this ….
More to come.
More to get : ….
In norwegian:
Husk – En bokelsker går aldri til sengs – alene!!
God fornøyelse , kos deg …. nyt Livet … Sakte ….. sakte …….
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
The lays of beleriland
I the lay of the children of hurin
II poems early abandoned
III the lay of leithian
IV the lay of leithian recomended
not read yet
ISBN : 978-0-345-38818-6
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
The lost road and other writings
Now reading:
Part one :
The fall of Numenor and the lost road
Part two :
Valinor and Middle-eart before the lord of the rings
Part tree:
More details capittles and about appendix to come.
ISBN : 987-0-345-40685-9
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
Sir Gawain and the green knight
Sir gawain and the green knight
sir orfeo
appendix on verse-forms
gawain^s leave taking
not read yet
ISBN 978-0.345-27760-2
Posted by admin On 13. august 2014
The Tolkien reader
Includes 7 small books
A) Tolkien magic ring
I own this ring : (pictures will come soon)
B) The homecoming of beorhtnoth beorhthelm`s son
epic story that tells about the "Danes" in essex, actuly was norwegians, who i am also and what happened in 991, after Tunsberg was grounded, my birthplace.
Story good told uses verses between the people included in the storry.
C) Tree and leaf
The book combines 2 story here and it gives torths what is fary story
D) On fairy story
Discussing the inns and outs of what is a fairy storry and what is not
E) Leaf by Niggle
About dreams and frendship, a driven story that included a lot of relationship shown in different ways.
F) Farmer Giles of Ham
What can a farmer have to defend, read and find out. Cool story.
G) The adventures of Tom Bombadil
If you have seen the LOTR films you have not seen him,
But if you have read LOTR you have seen him in your mind, congratulation to you !!
Your version of Tom it the correct version.
Finish reading 14.05.2012
ISBN 978-0-345-34506-6