13. august 2014
The Tolkien reader
Includes 7 small books
A) Tolkien magic ring
I own this ring : (pictures will come soon)
B) The homecoming of beorhtnoth beorhthelm`s son
epic story that tells about the "Danes" in essex, actuly was norwegians, who i am also and what happened in 991, after Tunsberg was grounded, my birthplace.
Story good told uses verses between the people included in the storry.
C) Tree and leaf
The book combines 2 story here and it gives torths what is fary story
D) On fairy story
Discussing the inns and outs of what is a fairy storry and what is not
E) Leaf by Niggle
About dreams and frendship, a driven story that included a lot of relationship shown in different ways.
F) Farmer Giles of Ham
What can a farmer have to defend, read and find out. Cool story.
G) The adventures of Tom Bombadil
If you have seen the LOTR films you have not seen him,
But if you have read LOTR you have seen him in your mind, congratulation to you !!
Your version of Tom it the correct version.
Finish reading 14.05.2012
ISBN 978-0-345-34506-6
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